Sheet Music: Dragon Suite No. 2 for solo piano (Chad Twedt / Jordan Steven)


A four-movement collection of solo piano arrangements by Chad Twedt, the second of two suites based on music of Jordan Steven.


Dragon Suite No. 2 is a four-movement collection of solo piano arrangements, the second of two suites based on music of Jordan Steven.  The original non-piano music was conceived for a classic Japanese video game that was to be translated to English and updated with new music.  The game, The Lost Angelic Chronicles of Frane: Dragons’ Odyssey, was ultimately released with its original soundtrack due to a company buyout and budget constraints.  Steven made his original music available for its own sake, and this allowed Twedt to package the arrangements as suites suitable for the concert stage.

Audio preview of all four movements:


The first movement, “Outlawed,” features a spirited, jig-like rhythmic accompaniment in the left hand.  “Life More Abundant” is an expression of pure happiness and joy, and it is the only arrangement that comes from an original that is orchestrated in a classical style, therefore lending itself more naturally to piano reduction and allowing the arrangement to sound very close to the original orchestration.  Twedt also added an imaginative middle section of fantasy and variation that plays around with Stevens’ opening themes.  The third movement, “Sanctum Sanctorium,” brings us to the realm of meditation, monks, and chant (Steven’s original music features male voices singing in a chant-like style), and the motifs are flipped upside down in contrasting settings with altered harmonies for the second half of the piece.  The fourth movement, “Fugare Draco,” is Stevens’ longest video game track (5 minutes), and Twedt’s arrangement extends it even further to an 8-minute monstrous piano solo that irresistibly adds a bona fide, polyphonic 4-part fugue at the end since Stevens’ original music features a motif that works perfectly for a fugue (and since the title of the piece is, after all, Fugare Draco).

Level:  Very advanced
Performance Time:  19 minutes


p. 2          I     Outlawed
p. 6         II     Life More Abundant
p. 10     III     Sanctum Sanctorium
p. 16     IV     Fugare Draco

Notes:  Sheet music is available in printed format only (no PDF available).

Publishing Date: Oct. 25, 2020
Total Pages:  24
Copyright: 2020 (Orange Note)
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 x 0.18 (inches)

Publisher:  Orange Note
Publisher site:
ISBN:  978-1-7346635-7-0
Product ID: ONDS2

Additional information

Weight 4.1 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .05 in